In more than 150 searches during the last five years, the successful candidate was contained within our initial slate 90% of the time.
Contacts, Network and Tools:
With a proprietary database and subscriptions to the most powerful commercial online research applications, Cameron Carmichael possesses the knowledge and tools necessary to access, source, and identify the best candidates for executive level recruitment.
Completion Rate:
Our 97% completion rate is significantly higher than the industry norm, compared against other executive search agencies.
74 Days
Search Duration:
Since 2013, our average executive search took 74 days from the start of the search to when a candidate accepted the position.
Since our inception, we have redone only one percent of our searches. We do not introduce a candidate until we are convinced it is the right match – for everyone.
Stick/Retention Rate:
After three years in a position, 82% of our successful candidates are still on board. Most firms do not publish stick rates, let alone a three year statistic.
Over 80% of our searches are either repeat clients or referrals from a past client, reference, candidate, or board member with whom we have developed a relationship. We are only as good as our last search.